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Xen Orchestra SDN controller plugin error when enabling (community build)

/ XCP-NG, Xen Orchestra Community, SDN Controller

Author: Sam Morreel.

There seems to be a bug in the SDN Controller plugin in Xen Orchestra when building and installing the community version. The bug seems to go back a few commit versions. When enabling the plugin and allowing the plugin to generate its own certificates, you'll get an error something like this:

  "id": "sdn-controller"
  "code": 10,
  "data": {},
  "message": "plugin not configured",
  "name": "XoError",
  "stack": "XoError: plugin not configured
    at invalidParameters (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202211061813/packages/xo-common/api-errors.js:26:11)
    at default.loadPlugin (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202211061813/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/plugins.mjs:210:13)
    at (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202211061813/packages/xo-server/src/api/plugin.mjs:61:14)
    at Api.#callApiMethod (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202211061813/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:394:33)"

I had an older version of XOA that I built on Rocky Linux 8.6 that did have a working SDN controller plugin and it was enabled. I decided to do some sleuthing and found that the cause is a missing client-cert.pem file in the plugin directory, /var/lib/xo-server/data/sdn-controller. The plugin should have three files in that directory: client-cert.pem, client-key.pem and ca-cert.pem. As for the root cause of this, I didn't dig any further. I was installing XOA on Rocky OS 9 and that may be a factor.

Either way, there is a fix and that is to simply regenerate those three required files, and flip on the 'override-certs' toggle switch. Here's the procedure. Note you could use another certificate authority, but for completeness we'll just create one. In a temp directory of your choosing execute the following:

Create the CA certificate/key:

Create a temporary directory to work in, and copy your OS's openssl.cnf file into it. Edit the [ v3_ca ] section so it only has the following 2 entries:


Now create the CA (run all commands in your tmp directory):

openssl genrsa 4096 > ca-key.pem
openssl req -new -x509 -config ./openssl.cnf -nodes -days 365000 -key ca-key.pem -out ca-cert.pem

Now create a file called client_attr.cnf and put the following entries in it:


Now Create the client certificate:

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout client-key.pem -out client-req.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 365000 -set_serial 01 -in client-req.pem -out client-cert.pem -CA ca-cert.pem -CAkey ca-key.pem -extfile ./client_attr.cnf

The ca-cert.pem and client_cert.pem should now conform to the correct x509 format that will work with XOA and hence cross-server private networking.

Now, copy the 3 generated files client-cert.pem, ca-cert.pem and client-key.pem over to the directory /var/lib/xo-server/data/sdn-controller. Then in XOA, under Settings | Plugins, click the plus sign for the sdn-controller plugin and set the override-certs toggle to on and save the configuration.

Next, enable the sdn-controller plugin. You should no longer get the error message above and cross server private networking should now work.

Note that I tested this on Rocky Linux 9, Node 18.12.1, XCP-NG 8.2.1 LTS and tried commits 2b1ed (older) and 57235 (master) for the community build.


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